
Our parish offers a variety of faith and fellowship ministries for youth, adults and families as well as opportunities for philanthropic outreach to the greater Vallejo area.

Sunday Religious Education
Our Sunday Religious Education ministry is preparing for the launch of a new program this Fall 2019. The classes begin at 9:15 am sharp and conclude at 9:45am, allowing the children and parents to attend the Divine Liturgy together in its entirety beginning at 10:00am. A registration form is coming soon and we welcome parents who are interested in joining our teaching team. Please contact Fr. Ninos for more information and to get involved.

Ladies Philoptochos
Our Ladies Philoptochos is dedicated to serving the poor in our local community and around the world. Through various fundraisers, we are able to fund high-impact programs and efforts such as the Kids ‘n’ Cancer ministry as well as supporting the work of other humanitarian organizations such as the IOCC.

Community Outreach
We offer a monthly meal to the homeless of Vallejo on the second Saturday of every month. In addition, we host a round table meetings for the homeless advocacy groups on the second Wednesday of the month from 10am to 12pm and donate $50 a month to the homeless Resource Center for supplies. If you’d like to volunteer or get involved, please email Deme for more information.

Altar Servers
We welcome boys ages 8 and over to assist the priest in the Divine Services on Sundays and feastdays. Serving in the altar is a great honor and privilege which helps to cultivate a child’s spiritual life, commitment and discipline in service to Christ and His Church.

Parish Council
Serving on the Parish Council is a wonderful way to offer your time and talents to the Church and is a most sacred duty that directly impacts the operations, growth and future of our parish. Please contact Fr. Ninos if you’d like to join this important leadership ministry.

Chanting and Congregational Singing
A unique feature of our parish is our congregational singing. We always welcome new voices to help lead and enhance our singing during the divine services and also as chanters during other services and weekday liturgies.

Plans are underway to hold monthly GOYA gatherings and other events beginning with a GOYA Lenten retreat coming soon!
Please contact Fr. Ninos to learn more.

Faith & Bible Study
Every Monday morning at 10:30 and Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm we gather for our Faith and Bible Study. It’s an opportunity to learn the meaning of the scriptures from the Orthodox and patristic understanding while discussing other practical matters of our faith.

Know Your Faith
On the first Sunday of every month, Fr. Ninos offers an informative presentation during the coffee hour on a spiritual topic. It’s a way for everyone in attendance to learn more about the Orthodox faith in a casual, informal manner, while having the opportunity to also ask Father any questions on spiritual, theological or practical faith matters.
Please contact Fr. Ninos if you have a specific question or topic you’d like him to answer at the next session.