
The worship of the Holy Trinity for the healing, sanctification/salvation of our souls and bodies according to the gospel of Jesus Christ and the teaching of the apostles is the central purpose of our community of believers. There are many opportunities during the week to come and bow down in worship and praise of the living God along with ministries that reflect this life of worship life at our parish in unique and beautiful ways. We start our week with God, thanking him for the blessings he has given us and praying that he might strengthen us for the challenges in our lives that we will face during the week. We pray not only for ourselves but for the whole world. For more on the worship of the Divine Liturgy, see here.

Sunday Worship
Matins at 8:30am
Divine Liturgy at 10:00am

Great Vespers
In the biblical and Orthodox understanding of time, the new day begins with the setting of the sun. We gather every Saturday at 5pm for the beautiful service of Great Vespers during which our Sunday worship commences. Through readings of the Psalms and the singing of hymns, we offer worship to our God and also learn about the feast and saints being commemorated on that Sunday.

The Sacrament of Confession
The sacrament of Confession is offered after Great Vespers. See here for a guide on preparing for this important and healing sacrament.

Weekday Divine Liturgies
We offer at least one or more Divine Liturgy services on weekdays for those who are able to attend. The Matins or Hours service begins at 8:00am and the Divine Liturgy at 9:00am.

Small Paraklesis to The Theotokos
The service of the Small Paraklesis is chanted in times of distress and sorrow of soul and is one of the most popular services of the Orthodox Church. We pray to our Lord and to the most Holy Mother of God, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, asking for her help and intercession for our community and in particular for those individuals whose names have been submitted to our priest which he reads out loud during the service.

Other worship services include the Daily Matins, the Akathis Hymn, the Jesus Prayer service and the monthly Psalter Reading Vigil. Please see our calendar for specific dates and times of all our worship services.

Other Liturgical Ministries
The following ministries are ways that members of our parish can participate in the liturgical life of our church:

Altar Servers
We welcome boys ages 8 and over to assist the priest in the Divine Services on Sundays and feast days. Serving in the altar is a great honor and privilege which helps to cultivate a child’s spiritual life, commitment and discipline in service to Christ and His Church.

Myrrh bearers
We welcome girls ages 7 and older to assist during the divine services of Holy Week, especially during the Friday Lamentations.

Church Beautification Ministry
Our church was built in 1948 and we have recently embarked on restoring and beautifying it with the help of volunteers and donors. In June of 2020, we began the restoration project of the original hardwood floors. Current projects include new iconography and a new baptismal font. The ladies of our parish also work together to beautify the church with flowers for various feast days and during Holy Week.