The Vine

President’s Message

I hope everyone is having a relaxing and enjoyable summer.  We had our GYRO fest a few weeks ago and it went great. I would like to thank all those who worked to help make it a success.  We are now onto our Festival Sept 21 & 22. The ladies are cooking but, could use help! Please contact Magda for dates and times.  There are sign up lists in the hall for helping at the festival. Please sign up.  

We would like to see more stewards involved with our Church and its community.  After the Festival we will be looking into forming committees to help with many areas of our needs such as stewardship committee,  fundraising committee, church cleaning committee, budget committee etc. The list can go on and on. The reason for the committee is that three heads are better than one.  You will hear more about this in the coming months, but, please be willing to help!

If you have not turned in your stewardship pledge card as of yet, please do so.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Festival.

Bob Vogt

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