The Vine

President’s Report

Recently Fr. Ninos set up a Parish Council Retreat at the Holy Assumption Monastery in Calistoga. I had never been there and was amazed at what I saw. The Monastery is a mix of buildings of different architectural styles and finishes. There are beautiful gardens bordering the Napa River. This is the oldest women’s monastery in the United States. After Divine Liturgy we parishioners and visitors enjoy lunch with the nuns in their dining room. It was a wonderful way to spend a day and if you ever have the chance to visit the Monastery I think you would enjoy it too.

It is here, our Festival. You should have received a flyer for the festival, please make copies and pass them out. We need to get the word out! We also need help manning the booths. Please sign up, the sheets are in the hall. This is our biggest fundraiser and we need all stewards to help.

Elections are just around the corner. Please consider serving on the council. If you have any questions please talk with Fr. Ninos or myself.

Fr. Ninos is starting Sunday school this Sunday, please consider your children or grandchildren to get involved. Click here to learn more and register.

Bob Vogt

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